The Conventional detector range is a Fire Alarm System offers a multi-mode, 5 in 1 detector (FXN922), covering many building needs. It’s quick and simple to install with a stylish low profile design. The detector is mounted on our standard conventional base (EFXN520). Each detector is fitted with a 360˚ viewable LED for indication.

This multi-mode detector can be configured to operate as either an optical detector, photo-thermal detector or 1 of 3 heat detector modes (rate of rise and 2 fixed heat models) using the four position switches located at the back of the detector.

The FXN922 is certified for use in all 5 modes. We can also supply separate detectors for each individual mode if they are required. These are displayed in the catalogue numbers in the table over the page.

Conventional detector range Fire Alarm System multi-mode detector (FXN922)

Features and benefits

• Offers a range of sensor types
• 360° visibility LED using lightpipe technology
• Drift compensation
• Aesthetically pleasing
• Quick and simple to install
• Wide viewing angle for increased LED visibility
• Positive “lock” indication
• Discreet design for incorporation into any decor
• Easy to maintain/service


1. Detectors are fixed and wired via common mounting base.
2. Cable entry into base can be rear or side.
3. A locking facility is provided which can be activated if required to prevent unauthorised detector removal without the use of a special tool.
4. Positive click mechanism incorporated to provide clear indication when detector is correctly located in base.

User interface

1. Red LED to indicate alarm condition.
2. All wiring connections are via a common mounting base (supplied separately).