L628 LCD Display Unit
L628 LCD Display Unit is an Intercall Nurse call. A display unit is required in every location where calls are to be shown and the alarm is to sound. The L628 features two-line LCD display with backlight and a multi-level adjustable alarm. (See page 5 for more information) It is capable of sounding a different tone for selected call points (doors, drug cupboards, telephone, etc) and only displaying specific call points (Zoning) if required.
More information can be found from page 51. There is an open collector output, which can be connected to the RB1 Relay Board [See Page 32] or used to directly trigger external equipment. All displays are identical but can be configured on site to operate independently.
Network Terminals:
Connect to the Intercall 600 (2 wire) Network. [+, –] OBSERVE POLARITY
Z0, Z1, Z2:
Connect to zone switch or wire link (See ‘Zone Switch Connection’ Below)
OC Output Terminal:
Open collector output active continuously when the alarm is sounding.
Note: Rating 12vDC 100mA. Minimum [ON] resistance = 100 Ohms.
The OC terminal may be used to trigger an external device directly, which will accept this
type of input. Alternatively you may connect this terminal to a RB1 Relay Board which will
provide normally open & normally closed ‘dry’ contacts.
Night Alarm Setting:
This controls the alarm volume when in ‘night’ mode.
Day Alarm Setting:
This controls the alarm volume when in ‘day’ mode.
To change between the ‘day’ and ‘night’ mode you will need to connect a switch to the
DAY/NIGHT terminals on the Master Power supply.
Menu Enable Jumper:
Remove to prevent access to the engineers display menu.
Sounder output:
Typical Maximum 92db@30cm.
Zone Switch:
This text is intended as a technical reference only and details of zoning are discussed on
page 54. When a display is required to only sound for specific call points, we need to
connect a switch or permanent wire link to the ‘Z’ terminals. The following connections
force the display to use the address windows that are programmed on site:
Z1 Not Connected, & Z2 Not Connected = Global (Sound for all calls)
Z1 Not Connected & Z2 Connected to Z0 = Use Address Window C
Z1 Connected to Z0 & Z2 Not Connected = Use Address Window B
Z1 Connected to Z0 & Z2 Connected to Z0 = Use Address Window A
Flush mount – use standard ‘double size’ electrical backbox. Surface mount use BB1 (See
page 16). Connects to system two core and optional zone switch and auxiliary devices.
Size & Weights:
80 x 140 x 40 mm, 200g